5 Takeaways That Training For A World Record Taught Me About Real Estate Investing

Training Takeaways

To honor a good friend and to raise for cancer research, I decided to challenge the world record for the Fastest Fireman’s Carry. Running this challenge was an experience that I had to train for and dedicate myself to; as carrying someone (or a barbell) on your shoulders for a mile requires a great deal of physical and mental stamina.

The time that I took to prepare for the race taught me a lot about maintaining a strong perspective and practical game plan not only for personal goals, but also as real estate investor.

Here are five valuable takeaways that training for a world record taught me about thriving as a real estate investor. These insights improved my real estate game, and hopefully, they will benefit your entrepreneurial pursuits as well.

1. Stay In It

When I was training to break the world record for the Fastest Fireman’s Carry, there were days that were a challenge. My body was pushed to its limits often, but I knew that I had to maintain a long-term focus; while celebrating daily progress and small improvements. It’s those who can “stay in it” and endure the down days that get to experience the wins. By focusing on daily actions over time, you will be able to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

“No dream is ever too big”— Sterling White [TWEET THIS]

In real estate, the most successful investors that I look up to know it’s not only about one deal, one season, or one property. Every stand-alone investment will not be the one that you can retire on, but over time and by constant action, an investor is likely to see success.

2. Know Your Why

When setting a goal, it’s more important first to know your why (before your how). For me, I had multiple 'whys' for wanting to break the world record. I hoped to show kids in my community that you can do anything that you want to do if you set your mind to it (sounds cliche, but it’s really true). I cared about raising money for cancer research and helping improve someone’s life in some way, even if it was a small action. A side benefit to training was that I was able to improve both my physical and mental health.

In real estate investing, it’s important to know your 'whys' and do things that fuel a mission, purpose, and passion. It’s those entities that will keep you going, and training hard, even when it isn’t easy. You’ll discover if you know your why the difficulties will be well worth it.

3. Push Past Difficulty

Anytime you attempt something new or move forward— especially when it is completely new territory— you will face speed bumps and roadblocks. Doubt will knock at your door; challenging you mentally and physically. You will have to carve out your path and push past the difficulties that arise. Real estate investing models exist where much of the ground and grunt work is already taken care of, but to achieve a high-level of success begins with you taking a leap and creating massive action.

When I was training for the Fireman's Carry world record, I suffered a serious injury towards the beginning of my training. The injury could have given me an excuse not to try or been a reason for me to give up, but I couldn’t do that. I didn’t want to do that! Sometimes, what it takes is for you to pause for a moment and readjust your strategy, but never quit. Push past the moments that make you want to give up. It’s just momentary.

4. Surround Yourself By Experts

No Olympic athlete or successful business person has achieved greatness without the help of a coach, mentor, or plan. For me to take on the task of breaking a world record, it took a team of people who knew how to hack the most efficient training tactics. I invested in expert CrossFit Coaches who knew how to formulate a plan that would facilitate my success. They knew how to work the right muscles, what and how many rest days I needed to take to capitalize my strength and speed, and the correct dietary intake to fuel my training.

Although I do not use CrossFit coaches in real estate, I have applied the idea of surrounding myself by experts to help me succeed in investing. By leveraging the knowledge of those in “the know,” you can ‘get the gold’ faster and smarter. No point reinventing the wheel.

5. One Day At A Time

Whenever you are attempting to conquer any challenge or lofty goal, it helps to keep the big vision on your horizon, but focus on the little steps in front of you. Otherwise, you may have a tendency to get lost in the magnitude of what you intend to accomplish. One small step in the right direct will get you there. Have the courage to step and have the courage to do what needs to be done— today.

When I began training to break the world record, I wasn’t ready to race. With some of the opportunities that I handle now in real estate, I wasn't ready for them at my start either, but over time; my strength, stamina, and readiness for success increased. All big actions begin with the simple act of taking a step forward— one day at a time.


I know firsthand that winning in real estate is not as difficult as breaking a world record. That doesn’t mean that you— if you want to be a real estate investor— will not have a lot of learning to do, but there are a lot of tools to help you achieve your goals more quickly. By leveraging experts, maintaining a positive mindset, and taking “the first step” an abundant financial life and fulfilled career are in your future. That’s every ounce as rewarding as setting a world record.

End Notes— Transparency

To be transparent, I was very fearful of this challenge when I originally accepted it. I didn’t want to fail. The task to beat a world record was extremely out of my comfort zone. It weirdly felt like "the small me" was trying to sabotage "the big me" who wants to thrive. I know this may sound weird, but I believe that when people are stretching themselves, they encounter this. You must embrace ‘the fear’ and be courageous. Thank you for taking the time to read this story.

Sterling White Real estate investor