
The Myth You’re Being Sold: The Middle Class In America Is Dead (And What This Means For Your Future)

The Myth You’re Being Sold: The Middle Class In America Is Dead (And What This Means For Your Future)

We want the freedom to do the things we love and spend time with the people we love, but being in the middle isn’t going to create long term opportunity. For some who live in middle-class status, it means debt. Why the middle-class is dead and what you can do about it. 

The 9-5 Grind: Do You Need To Kick Your Job To The Curb Or Simply Spice It Up?

The 9-5 Grind: Do You Need To Kick Your Job To The Curb Or Simply Spice It Up?

Having time and being ‘free’ are two currencies in current culture that are in high demand; often incredibly scarce. The J-O-B, and that notorious '9-to-5' grind, has a way of taking both entities away from us. Have you ever asked yourself if there was a way to maximize both? If there was, would you be interested? Discover if it's time to shake up your days or simply reinvent the way you work.

4 Daily Habits To Achieve Excellence As A Real Estate Investor

4 Daily Habits To Achieve Excellence As A Real Estate Investor

We become what we repeatedly do, so to reach a place of excellence in real estate investing and in life, one must focus on daily habits. Here are four actions that I have used in my everyday life that have helped me, and I hope that they can benefit you as well.